"Get Lost In The Memories"
Updates to the Lost Eateries section on 03/27/25
I personally fund a monthly fee to Yola, who hosts this website. If you enjoy what you are about to experience, you can help support it by making a donation. Any contribution is welcome & is greatly appreciated. Just click on the Donate button below to do so and be sure to choose the "for friends and family" option please.
Like most people who grew up in the Chicagoland area, I have many fond
memories of special places I once, or many times visited, that I will never
forget. The older I get, the more important these memories seem to be to me &
the more I enjoy reminiscing about with family & friends. These memories were
not restricted only to places we went for fun, but were also places we enjoyed
going to eat, went to for various services or even shopped at. Although my
parents were far from what would be considered rich, they always seemed to
find a way to treat my siblings & I to many unique & fun-filled adventures. I
decided to create this website to help preserve my memories, & hopefully bring
back memories to others who grew up in the Chicagoland area as well. In the
categories listed above, you'll find pictures & information about places no
longer in the Chicagoland area, where we played, ate or shopped. Some of
these places were one of a kind, & many near the particular neighborhoods
I grew up in. Others were national chains, & had several locations in the
Chicagoland area. Many were unique to this area, & some still exist elsewhere,
just not here. Many of these places went out of business, got bought out or
were demolished to keep up with the inevitable changing times. It saddens me
greatly each time I hear news of yet another place closing, or moving out of the
Chicagoland area & the lost list, keeps growing. Also featured here are the
radio stations we listened to, & television shows exclusive to the Chicagoland
area that many of us grew up watching religiously & that hold a special place
in any true Chicagoan's heart. This site will also touch on products that
originated in Chicago, & were manufactured here, but for one reason or
another, left the Chicagoland area. Some familiar brand names remain intact,
however their Chicago roots have been severed, & these products are now
being made elsewhere. Although they may have kept the name, sadly to most
it's just not the same. Originally the memories on this website were those
exclusive to myself, family & or friends. However due to the many requests &
photos I receive on a daily basis, I have since began adding your memories as
well. So, as time permits, I will consider adding photos you've submitted, &
research requests & attempt to locate images & information for possible
inclusion on this website. Now, get ready for a journey back in time, & revisit
the Chicagoland area when it was a much different place. Thanks for stopping
by, & be sure to check back often to see my latest additions. Thanks, Craig

Craig's Lost Chicago:
Craig, this is my #1 favorite nostalgia site and I am a regular visitor. Bless you for taking the time to build and curate a site like yours, I really like that you’ve gotten so much well-deserved recognition from it from site viewers as well as from WGN Radio 😊😊 You have a world of Chicagolander's who are mesmerized by seeing sites that we all grew up with!!! You are a wonderful man for taking on something like this that meets a need for many thousands of us scattered across the world. I live in Seattle now, was in La Grange until 1997. SO VERY MUCH HAS CHANGED in Chicagoland!! Rob K.
Great list and major blasts from the past! Thanks, Cori R.
I Craig, I absolutely love your site. I go there every few months to reminisce, especially now that I am out of the area. Once again, thank you so much for this incredibly rich site of Chicagoland details. Mark Z.
Craig, I stumbled upon your site looking for a lost eatery. It's awesome! I'll definitely be checking out the whole site and sharing with friends and family!Thank you so much and keep up your great work! Tim T.Craig, I have enjoyed your website since it's inception. Thank you very very much for all your hard work and dedication!Sincerely, Jeff A.
Mr. Craig, Hope you are doing well. I love your website. Don C.
I live in NC. I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago. I just happened on your web site and saw my uncle John Conrad with Elmer the Elephant. What a nice trip down memory lane for me. Thanks, Susan U.
What a great website - Thanks! Lite Electric LLC. Schaumburg IL.
Craig, I remember when Chicago was number one at EVERYTHING !!!!!!!! Now I look at your site and shake my head and cry sometimes as I no longer see the great city I once knew.. As a truck driver
( old one) I really see the impact of lost manufacturing.. You do a GREAT job on the site, Joe W.
Hi Craig, I found your website (which is a Chicagoan’s dream by the way) while looking for photograph’s of Tad’s Steakhouse which was once located next to the Chicago Theater and another on Madison. One of my earliest and fondest memories is going downtown with my parents in the early 60s to see a movie and stopping for steaks at Tad’s beforehand. I’ve found a few photo’s if in the past, but they’re never very good quality. Gayle, K.
Hello, I was so happy to find your website, I also have fond memories of places that no longer exist.I love to go back to my childhood/teen years and revisit where I made so many memories. Rachel R.
Craig: Although not a “native” Chicagoan having moved here in 1970 your stroll down those days of yesteryear are wonderful! Jim S.
Craig, I thoroughly enjoyed looking at all the pictures. Jane J.
Hi Craig, all the pictures did bring back a lot of memories, as I grew up very close to the original Buffalo Ice Cream Parlor at Irving Park & Pulaski.
Thank you for keeping the legacy going for some places that could easily be forgotten. Mariko V.
Always great hanging with Craig and his web site. Roger Badesch / WGN Radio News Anchor
You do a great job and it is important to keep the history alive.Thanks so much for your efforts and keep going! Steve G.
Hi, I spent some years in Chicago as a young 20 something. I loved scanning through your website as I found reference to some of the restaurants and clubs I hung out in at one time in the western suburbs. Roger A.
Hello,just found your web page and I love it. I lived in Lombard as a kid until 1966 then came back to Glen Ellen and later Carol Stream after the service in 70. I truly enjoyed seeing some of the old stores and restaurants and all the vintage
signs. Ron L.
Hi Craig, like everyone else, I love your website of course. Thanks again for maintaining it. Matt N.
Craig, surfing through the various “lost links” was a real hoot for me. I was born on the west side (Oak Park actually) and lived in Chicago for most of my first 38 years. With the exception of sometime away at college and in the service mine was a “west side story”. My wife is also from Chicago and I sent her and some friends the link as well. One of them commented “I spent half the afternoon looking at your pictures!!!!!”. Chuck D
Craig: Although not a “native” Chicagoan having moved here in 1970 your stroll down those days of yesteryear are wonderful.Jim S.
I love looking at all the pictures, you've collected! Valarie T.
I am having a ball with this! Especially great fun & a challenge for those of us born in the 50s or earlier. Cliff Johnson (Off Broadway)
Thanks for curating this great site!I know many of these places well on your site because he took us there as kids. Thanks Craig! Appreciate your efforts! Cheers, Bill N.
Hi there! Looooove the website. I will certainly be telling people about your website. Be well! Amanda A.
Love the web site. Thanks for the memories, Jamie R.
I do want to thank you for all your hard work in putting this together, it is so awesome to look at. I live in Southern California now so I don't get to see my old neighborhood much any more. Tami M.
Hi – I’ve been enjoying your website, Craig’sLostChicago, Kevin B.
I really enjoy your site, Darren F.
Hi, I loved looking at the old Chicago area pictures. I forgot to mention that my next-door neighbor, who is 92, once worked as a dice girl, hostess, and waitress years ago at places such as George Diamond's, The Cart, and I think a few on Rush Street. She enjoyed seeing the pictures of them on your website.Tamara S.
Your web site is great, really made me smile. Keep up the good work! Diane R.
Thanks for this great website, recalls happier times in the 'City that works'. Mike I.
Thank you for your so cool site, I enjoyed pouring over the places I remember as a kid. I'm 51 now, moved away when I was 12, to Clearwater Florida, but my memories are clear. So much, thanks. Lou C.
Thanks so much. I enjoyed the photos n the link. Glad I had insomnia n caught your interview on late night radio (WGN)! C. Estelle B.
Hi Craig, Totally LOVE your site!!! It is fantastic!!! Makes me homesick (had to move to CA for my hubby’s work) Adina P.
Hi, Craig,Your website is wonderful! I've easily been to half of the stores and restaurants you feature. Thanks for helping me relive so many great memories! Linda K.
Dear Craig, I booked marked your website and am truly enjoying it. Kind regards Jenny C.
Hi! I just found Lost Chicago because a friend posted it on Facebook. Wow! Many great memories. I read your introduction on the Home page. I could have written it. It seems as if we've had similar experiences. My memories become more important as I get older. I've been working on my family tree for my daughter, and the pictures are fun to include with my thoughts from days gone by. (Thanks for the many photos.) I'm 65 years old and I moved from from Chicago when I was 26 (in 1975). I live in California, but I've never considered myself a Californian. I'm still a Chicago girl at heart. I think I have very diverse tastes because of my life experiences in Chicago. I love that I grew up there. Again, THANKS for the many photos. I love them! Karin O. (formerly from Chicago's north side, near Damen & Lawrence)
Thanks again for a great site! Kevin O.
I love this site!!! I'm not from Chicago but have visited very frequently for the last 40 years , since I was a young kid. Great stuff ! John
Craig, though I’ve been in Minnesota for 40-some years, my youthful memories of life in the western suburbs and the City are still pretty clear (born in Berwyn and lived in Riverside, Hinsdale, La Grange, Downers Grove, Montgomery, Aurora, Naperville, and the nearish North Side).Your website rekindled many fond recollections. Thanks so much! Bill
I've been forwarding links to your site to everyone I know, & the reaction has been , uniformly, WOW! Take care, & keep up the good work. Dan S.
Since I found out about your web site I have been checking back regularly. "thanks for the memories". Tony H.
Awesome pictures.....unbelievable how the whole era just comes flooding back when a picture reminds you of it. Thanks for the memories! Great page!! Sue L.
Came across your website today and absolutely love it! It was like a time machine..... thank you so much for rescuing all my memories. These days sometimes seem so far away, it means a lot to keep them alive like this. Allee M.
My wife and I were back in time looking at your website, thank you for what you've done. Myron
Hi, love your website! Very cool! Thanks, Judy G.
Craig, I like your compilation of closed firms perhaps long forgotten. Arthur R.
What a great trip down memory lane this was! Karen Y.
I heard Craig on WGN this morning, thanks for the memories. Iris G.
I know my friends and family will go down "memory lane" with Craig's Lost Chicago. Thank you for this journey. Linda M.
Just discovered the site from a baby boomer friend. Terrific. Thanks for saving this stuff before it fades from everyone's memory. Keep up the good work! Tom Z.
As a former Chicago area resident, I enjoyed your photos which brought back a lot of memories. Joanne W.(Redwood Valley, California and Salt Spring Island, B.C. Canada)
What a treasure trove is your website. Lived in Chicago area from birth through 8th grade (1947-1961). Your images at website brought back memories and also many LOST memories. Keep it up -- it's history that's being lost. Nancy T.
Hello Craig, I heard you on WGN this morning and then checked out your site. Very nice, I really enjoyed looking back. Ken W.
I’m impressed with your collection of pictures. Geary M.
Loved your website! Thanks, Tony C.
Craig, brings back great memories! Keep this up! Tom M.
Craig, Your Website is a real blast from the past! Keep up the awesome work, we really appreciate your efforts in preserving fond irreplaceable memories. Sincerely, Jeff A.
Your site is great brings back so many memories, so many things to find to contribute. Keep up your great work, if I can find any pictures I will send but maybe you have connections to get these . Regards, Joe G
Craig, I love your lists, especially the restaurants. My husband and I went through them all and talked about which ones we remembered and frequented. Keep up the great work. Donna Y.
Hi Craig, I enjoyed your site - brings back many pleasant memories of growing up in Chicago. So thank you for that! I'll have to spend more time on your site, as I wasn't able to check out all the great pics and captions. Regards, Michael B.
Hey Craig.... Great site.... Ray Z.
Hi Craig! I'm writing to you from the Chicago Genealogical Society, your website is really very wonderful!. We are going to include "Chicago's Lost Eateries" in our April newsletter. Best, Jaime G.
Hi Craig, Someone sent me your "Craig's Lost Chicago." Great site! Marlene
Craig, thanks for the cool website. Robin B.
Hi, I loved your website, especially the "Lost Eateries" section. Thank you for doing this, Greg K.
As a South Side native born roughly a year before you, I found your Facebook page then your two sites. Outstanding job!! Nice to reminisce. Thanks again for the memories and the great job! Fred T.
This is the coolest website of all time. I live in Deerfield and grew up in Niles and Glenview. Michael G.
Craig, just looked at all the old stores, what a walk down memory lane! Thanks for that. Karen H.
Wow! I was emailed the link to your site by a friend. All I can say is that you opened up many memories. Many of the photos tugged at my heart and made me smile. I was amazed at how many of those places I've been to or remembered. You were right, we didn't have a lot of money growing up, but somehow our parents were able to take us to so many of these places. Keep up the great work! Greg R.
Thanks for the lost Chicago site.Kathleen U.
Craig, I grew up in Arlington Heights & now live in NC. I enjoyed so many of the places on your website & thank you for putting it together. Duffy
Love the site! It can be a real time killer! John K.
Liked your site, brings back memories of the good ole days! I know its probably difficult to find all of these old photos, keep up the good work. Craig S.
Craig, I really love what you're doing ! I recognized a lot of the venues on the site and it brought back a lot of memories of driving around with my parents and either eating at some of those places, hearing my parents talk about various places or just amused with the non-generic variety of places to go as I looked out the car window. Thank You! Renee B.
What an awesome website. My cousin sent it to me & I passed it along to others. I have had a ball looking at what used to be. It brought back many memories.Thanks for the memories! Chrisanne Z.
Craig, love your Lost Chicago site, it's wonderful! My wife & I spent the better part of Sunday going through it & reminscing, trying to remember the jingles used to advertise all the businesses & such. I have shared it on Facebook to wide acclaim, & people have been liking it steadily. Keep up the good work. Thanks! Dan S.
Greetings, my sister, who still lives outside Chicago, told me about your website and it took me back to when I was a kid in NW Chicago. I recognized many of the entertainment and eatery photos. What a treasure! It has brought back some wonderful memories for me. I want to go over it with my sister at my side - I am sure the images will trigger even more shared memories, and much laughter. I plan to look at Craig's Lost Chicago from time to time, and will see any updates then. Thank you for your work! Eileen T.
OMG love this page and your website. Thank you for taking us down memory lane. Peter D.Just found your website and I love it! Great website and thanks for making it! Kathleen D.
Began working in and around Chicago in the early 60's. This site brought back a lot of fond memories. Thanks you! Bill
Thanks for starting this site! So much fun remembering so many things from childhood! Julie P.
Hi there, thank you for putting this site together, great memories. A.J. L.
Hi Craig, Snuck a peek at your sites. VERY VERY COOL.. I am very fond of my past as well, love how you respect the past of Chicago. Keep up the great work, on respecting tradition. Even tradition seems to be fading way. Regards, Garey S.
LOVE your site! Thanks for putting it together — what a treat to go back and have so many old memories triggered. Gloria B.
EXCELLANT WORK! Thanks so much for posting “Craig’s Lost Chicago.” I’ve been in Arizona for many years, but fondly remember so many of those you posted. Yours is indeed a labor of love! Thanks, again, for these sweet memories. Best, Chris
Hi, I just loved to see Craig's Lost Chicago. It has brought back so many memories, and is so fun to see the places I once "hung out" at! My Grandson's 16 & 19 year olds are visiting (from California) soon and I plan on showing them your page. Anyway, thanks for the memories! Great webpage! Lyn M.
Craig, first let me say that I think you are doing a most admirable job on your website. I think that you had a noble idea and have accomplished your goal in bringing back some of the important memories of Chicago Keep up the great work! Joe B.
I just wanted to say thank you for creating your online Chicago archive. I was born here in 1975 and have often felt like a man without a home these days. As much as I have adapted to the new homogenous American urban landscape, I often reflect on how much I miss the place that once was. With the utmost of sincerity, I thank you! Bests, Justin L.
What a great trip down memory lane. Thanks Craig. Joan H.
Hello Craig, great website! Dan H.
Awesome web page, Craig! Very cool and nostalgic! Keep adding : ) Ann C.
I just came across your page today and I have to say I LOVE IT!! Looking at the pics and stuff brought back alot of good memories of Chitown. No matter where I live it will ALWAYS be my favorite city! Thanks and I am spreading the word about your page!!! Mandy K.
Have Lost the day today looking at your great Lost Restaurants site. Just too good! Keep up the wonderful work. I intend to check out every photo and every category of your "Lost" series. Sincerely, Connie S.
Loved the MEMORIES and great times, very much like the feelings you conjure up on your wonderful website. I'm now living in CT longer than I lived in Chicago, but Chicago, especially the lost Chicago, will always be home! Thanks for an amazing website. Only got to the eateries. Still drooling! Carol B.
Love what you have put together, John H. (Clarksville
Great website! Many pictures of items from my past too, & I learned of closures via your website. Regards, David R.
Your site made me cry! So much lost. R.K.
Nice Work, Dennis O.
Awesome site! I miss Chicago so much! David O.
I just barely scratched the surface of your site, which was shared to me today by a friend. You are the only page I have found that actually had a photo from the waterpark in Oakbrook terrace in the 80's, Ebenezer's Floppin' Slopper's Wonderful Water slides. Thanks for operating this site. Brian L.
Hello Craig, what a wonderful website. Thank you, Karen G. (Scottsdale, AZ.)
Hello, I really love the lost eateries section of your website. I know I will enjoy the other sections as well, when I get around to checking them out. Thanks, Steve G.
Hello Craig, Thank you for your website, really enjoyed the memories. Thank you for your amazing contribution, I really enjoyed reliving the yesteryears! Carolyn F.
Hi there, I just went through all the pics on your website. Thank you for helping me to remember when I was little, Greg N. (Tempe AZ.)
Hi Craig, I wanted to let you know that your website is unbelievable & I think
a lot of people have forgotten about a lot of the places & things that you have brought
together here. Craig's Lost Chicago takes everyone back to the way things used to be in the Chicagoland area. Great job! & keep up the fine work bringing back many lost memories. Thanks, Jeff B.
Hi Craig, I was very interested to see your site about Lost Chicago Restaurants. I remember so many of those restaurants it’s amazing. It brought back so many memories with my parents.Thank you, Chris G
Craig, your website is unbelievable. Keep up the great work & thanks. I’ll stock up on Kleenex… Rick M.
Great job. Don M.
Craig, thanks for the wonderful job you do. Patrick C.
Hi Craig, I wanted to let you know that I came across your website when I was doing a search on "whatever happened to Cock Robin restaurants." It used to be a favorite place of my Dad's, especially for ice cream back when I was a kid. I find too that as I get older, I like to reminisce about past times. I grew up in the city, not too far from the northern suburbs. My Dad liked to drive and would take my sister and I all over the city and the suburbs if he wanted to go somewhere and check some place out. My paternal grandparents lived around the northwest suburbs too, so we were always going shopping or out to eat in those areas, too. What a labor of love your website is, and I wanted to thank you for it. It is amazing how one's memory is jogged for forgotten places, when one starts to look at reminders again, such as the places one sees on your website. :) As I was looking at your website, I had such a smile on my face. I kept exclaiming, "Oh, I remember___!" I had forgotten about some of the radio stations listed, and had also forgotten about some of the local food brands and restaurants, too. So, here is a toast to you from a can of long-forgotten "Yummy" pop, which used to be one of my favorite brands, by the way, saying, "Thanks for the memories." Sincerely, Katie
Thanks for the memories....I grew up in Chicago's north suburbs, but now I am retired in sunny Florida, and I loved all the memories this website brought back. I must admit though, it did make me feel old to realize how much I remembered. Bobbi S.
Craig, Thank for helping us to remember the Chicago we grew up with. Mark J.
Dear Craig: Just came across your website via a facebook link, and already, my brain is fried. It is beyond AWESOME, but leaves me thinking that you have more hours in the day that the rest of us have. Forwarding to a bunch of other ancient lifelong Chicagoans like myself who I suspect will experience the same range of emotions as I --- from laughter to tears, as the memories rush by. I'd love to hear how you even began to compile this astonishing site.
Congratulations ----- great job, Val C.
Hello Craig, Thanks for reminding me that I am getting old, LOL. I am so
glad someone put together something about the “real” Chicago area we all grew up
in. The history of this city is often focused on downtown or the history of labor,
politics, crime, or race relations. This is the real Chicago we all remember. Oh well, “Time Marches On” as Tracy Lawrence once sang (it marched on for him
too. He hasn’t had a hit record about 15 years). Enjoy the day and thank’s again for turning back the clock. Nice to see so many
cars of our youth in these pictures too, cool. Bob B.
Oh wow! I wanted to write a 6 page response with all the memories it brought up! So many memories! I'm in North Carolina now but was in Chicago from 1959-2008. So glad you've done this. I will send this to a ton of people, Stephen V.
Craig, Yea, yea…. Like all the other praise you’ve received about your website… I’d just like to add my own two cents….. remarkable, it's like you're in my head. Pictures of Frazier Thomas & all of the Garfield Goose shows hit me in the heart. I can’t believe that you were able to get some of those pictures like Bell's Apple Orchard & Hawthorn Mellody Farms. Thanks so much for memorializing the past that so many of us lived in! You’re a true Hero. Many Gratitudes, Herb S. (Lafayette, CA)
It is nice to see someone else taking the initiative to preserve knowledge of the past. Cats lair Archives www.doorcountywihistory.weebly.com
Loved your Website !! God Bless! Teri A.
I left Chicagoland (from Lincolnwood) just about 30 years ago (for the Bay Area of California), so even though I come back every year, much of what you captured on your site is still how I picture Chicago in my mind. I cherish the images that you were able to obtain. I’m always playing “What was at the corner of …..” with my friends & family. I hope it’s OK….. I’ve put a link to your site on the Niles West Alumni group page on “LinkedIn”.
All I can say is AMAZING !!!!! And Thank You !!!! So many memories. Doug
I loved the site. I forwarded
it to quite a few people. I was in Chicago from 1946 till 2002, so I remember
quite a few of the sites. Thanks again for a wonderful site. Nancy W.
Hi, great website thanks! Sincerely, Sue R.
Love your web site, Linda B.
Awesome website!!! I've bookmarked your website as a favorite. I can't wait to show my kids Thanks for the memories!! Susan W. (Formerly from Arlington Hts)
"Thanks! You have a great site! Lots of memories there. :D" Michelle D.
You have created an amazing, wonderfully reminiscent of The things that have made Chicago the wonderful place it is! Thank You! Michelle
Thanks for the memories, I love your site. Robert M.
Really enjoy your lost Chicago site. Brings back soooo many memories, thank you very much. Frank
Great Website! I'm only 46, but those pictures bring back memories. Thanks for having this! Again, fantastic site! Kevin
Hi, I loved looking at your web site. Karen D.
Hey Craig, ahhhhh, the memories.Jan C.
Love the Craig's Lost Chicago site! Thanks for all the memories! Christine J. (native of the NW Burbs)
Hello, thank you for the wonderful website and photos and memories of my hometown. I am retired now and live in South Florida. I have forwarded the website address on to many many friends who have gravitated far from home, but still love the pictures and memories. Keep up the good work. I'll be checking your site often. Sincerely, Marietta B.
Craig, cool website. Jim H.
Thanks, Craig. I live in Ankara, Turkey now so it was especially dear to see the places we went. I sent your email to my best friend of 50+ years, Jane who is still in the area. She loved it, too. Patricia B.
Loved your site... Jim B.
Your website is incredible, of course I could tell hundreds of stories like
everyone who views these pages ... memories galore. Thanks! Antique Detective
Great Website! Amy F.
Great site! Pete R.
Really enjoyed this! I'll be back. Thanks again! Gary
Craig, I love your site and appreciate all the memories, and your hard work. Becky E.
Craig, Great site! Kimberly K.
Craig, found about your website this morning -- just spent entirely too much time on it! Thanks, it's way cool. Ellen K.
Craig, phenomenal, love it. Norm W.
Craig, I love your website. Thank you, Jerry S.
I really enjoyed your website of closed places and things.Thanks for all. Steve B.
Thanks for a very memorable viewing experience, Mark K.
Wonderful site. Thank you, Perry
Hello, I've been enjoying your web site since discovering it a few days
ago. THANK YOU, Don B.
Thank you! Your website is a gem. I grew up in Chicago, starting in Uptown in
the late 60s. It brings back a lot of memories, great lists! I'm going to show it to my mom and dad the next time I see them, Travis M.
Hi Craig, thanks... I loved seeing all the old haunts, TV & the rest. Wonderful trip down memory lane, Great Job!!!! Marie A. Chicago 1946-1977 / Calif 1977-present ( but I still go "home" every year!)
Craig, great idea & website. Keep up the fantastic work, Jared Shumicki | Sun-Times Media / Account Executive
Craig, Love your lost Chicago series. Michelle W.
Dear Craig, thanks for making a place for some to find and join in the festivities. Kudos & keep up the good work... it's a good legacy. Spencer S. in Wisconsin!
I was referred to your website and found it both fascinating and nostalgic. Keep up the good work, Joe
Great site Craig. Really. A lot of work to preserve memories. Keep up the
good work!!! Amazing Site! Jennifer L.
Your Lost Chicago work is awesome. I grew up on the Northwest side of Chicago in the 50's and 60's. Bill K. Des Plaines, IL.
Hi Craig, what a trip down Memory lane! Thanks, Violet V.
Thanks for the memories, Mim S. (Richmond, VA.)
Craig's Lost Chicago is well done! It will increase appreciation of Chicago, Bill S. (Wauwatosa, WI.) former Chicagoan
Thanks for the memories, I grew up in Chicago during the late ‘30s and all of the ‘40s & then my family moved to Wheaton. J. Ward O. (Woodburn, OR.)
Love the site, it really brings back memories of my youth! Thanks! John V. (Chandler, AZ) originally from Blue Island, IL.
Hello, your site is awesome. Thanks, Billie S.
As a long time Chicagoan, I really enjoyed your site. Brought back many memories of great places long gone. Thanks for all your efforts! George R.
We just discovered your site and just love it. It brought back so many memories, thank you. Kevin D.
Love your site of Chicago memories. David D.
Hi Craig…. Awsome Site, somehow I got a hold of one of your business cards and that is what led me to your site. These photos and logos are amazing. Thank you for helping me waste two hours at work today! Again, great site, and keep up the good work! Mike B.
This is an excellent site and brings me back again and again. Thanks for your work, Jay L.
Awsome site....... thanks for doing this, sure brought back a lot of fun & happy memories. Michelene P.
Craig, I enjoyed this immensely, thanks so much & may God bless you for making so many people smile, including me! Maureen C.
Hey Craig, keep up the great work. Richard F.
Hi Craig, what an awesome website. Brought back sooooo many memories for us. It must have taken you a long time to compose all of this. This is really a great job. I am going to forward this to my kids and friends. Thanks for all the memories, Cousin Mike & Pat M.
First of all..... Your site is awesome. Every category takes me back to a place and time of my youth growing up in Chicagoland. YOU ARE DOING AN EXCELLENT JOB OF GATHERING AND PUBLISHING MEMORIES OF MANY "Older" CHICAGOAN'S "Younger Years." I'm a big fan of your site and told have my childhood pals about your site and the interest is amazing. They're sending me as many photos of our old neighborhood places of interest they can find. THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES, Sal C.
Craig, you put together wonderful website! I grew up in Park Ridge and Des Plaines in the 50's and 60's, and your photos sure bring back a wealth of memories. Thanks again for the effort you put into your website. ~ Bob S.
Hi Craig, First of all I love your website it brings back many lost memories. All the Best ....Ron
Craig, I love the site! Keep up the great work. Glenn H.
Hi Craig, The entire graduating class of 1973 from Arlington Heights High School enjoyed this, and is still talking about it on our Facebook 1973 reunion page. So many memories! I passed it along to nearly my entire email contact list and your page is bringing many other people back to times when things were just a little slower, simpler and easier. Linda O.
Hi, I love your site! It brought back so many memories! Thanks! Mike G.
Thanks for the walk down memory lane, Michelle R.
Thanks for doing that, brought a lot of memories back! Karen W.
Hello! I love what you are doing! Thanks for the memories!! Bud E.
Fabulous!!!! I was born in Chicago in 1928. (now live in Tucson since 1999) Where did you get all those pictures? You have done a fabulous job! Joan L.
Your sight is great. I appreciate the memories, Florence M.
Great web site, Edward K.
Love The site! Great job - please keep it up. So many memories... Best, Brian L.
I’d appreciate permission to post a link to your site on our class website: www.nilehi63.com!! (We are the chronologically next class from Niles to celebrate a 50th anniversary!) All of us wax nostalgic when it comes to the Chicago of our growing up years! Thanks for reminding us of what used to be our Chicago! Cheryl S.
Good day Craig, I was just forwarded information about your site today & am glad for it, I like all that you've put together, great job! I have shared out your site via Facebook on both my personal & professional pages.. I think a lot of people will really enjoy it. Thank you very much & have a wonderful day! Dennis K.
Thank you so much for the memories! Kathy J.
Hi Craig awesome website thanks, Patrick C.
Thank you so much for the walk down memory lane. Wonderful website, & I'm passing it along to my Sister. Thank you again, Nancy F.
Your site brought back many memories Bonnie M. (refugee from Chicago's slushy winters)
Hello, I like your work! Chris R.
Cool site, great memories! Deb
Hey Craig, I was checking out your site, it is very impressive. You've really put a lot of thought and work into it. Thanks for all the great memories on your site!! Robbie S.
A great website, Mike I.
Excellent site. There's a lot of good stuff here. Chris O.
I grew up in the Chicago burbs and remember many of these places & things. Gregg (Janesville, WI)
Love Craig's Lost Chicago... I LOVE THIS SITE! Dennis L.
Really enjoy your site!!! Thanks, Craig R.
Had a ball! Thank you so very much! I enjoyed every second of viewing the greatest time period of my life..living in Chicago 1964-1980. Steve P.
Good evening!I I was born and raised in LaGrange Park (1948 to 1962) before we moved to Southern California. I remember a LOT of the places on your website and have passed the link on to other ex-pats from Chicagoland (and there are a lot of us!) Tom K. (Roseville, CA.)
Love this website.... Rita D.
Thanks For The Memories!!! ;)) Gary E.
Thanks for doing this, Barbara M.
A very interesting website with much Chicago nostalgia. Nice job, Joe D.
Really enjoyed your memories, Charlotte F.
Thoroughly enjoyed the website, very nice presentation, Marilyn N. (Youngstown AZ.)
Thanks for all the pictures and memories, Buzzy R.
You have created an incredibly nostalgic site. I remembered nearly all of the stores and eateries. Thanks, Martin T.
Thanks for the website !!, Warren M.
Thanks for your efforts and time to help Chicagoan's take a trip down memory lane, Fred A.
Great web site, it is amazing & seeing all those pictures just really brought back memories. Thanks so much for that & keep up the good work. Jason L.
Hi Craig, my brother forwarded your website to me, and it truly brought back memories. Amy S. (former Chicagoan)
Through the years I have visited many websites dedicated to the memories that we still cherish about our beloved "lost" Chicago. I thank you as well as compliment you on creating a superb collection of those images. A close friend sent me the name of your site, and after forwarding it to most of my friends, I am still reaping thank-yous which really belong to you. Bob J. (Arizona)
Thank you for putting that website together, & keep up the good work. Dave M.
This is AWSOME!!! Brings back great memories and some tears, a lot of good things have been lost over the years. Keep up the great research. I’m going to forward this to a lot of friends. They need to see this, thanks. Don B.
I love your website of lost Chicago memories. I showed my children many places I went. Thanks, Diane M.
You are doing a great job, Don
Good job on the sight there are a lot of things you forget about until you see the pic and than realize how long they were gone for. Awesome job!!! Mike B.
I like it a lot. Nice work. Jim L.
Your "Oldies" web page is amazing! I enjoyed it beyond belief. So Many memories, Thank you, thank you, thank you! Ethel C.
Great site! Mario D.
I wanted to first tell you that I was just introduced to your page, and love it!! I especially love the "Lost fun" Page. Thank you so much for this list, Angela Z.
l had an opportunity to check out your website, & thought it was great! Keep up the good work. Kosta G.
I saw your Lost Chicago site, terrific! You have created a fun site for older Chicagoans. Thanks, Joe M.
Hi, Someone forwarded me your Lost Chicago page, and I too, miss many of the iconic places and attractions you list,Thanks, Scott G.
Made me remember places I completely forgot about. Rob S.
Love, love love your web site. I was born and raised in Chicago,and like you, I miss many of the places. Keep up the good work. I receive mail from all over the country from transplanted Chicagoans that are so happy for this stroll down memory lane. You bring a lot of joy to so many. Thank you. Mary S.
I Really enjoyed your "Lost Chicago" website, what a blast from the past! Thanks for an interesting trip down memory lane! Carl B.
I saw your site; Craig's Lost Chicago, and am impressed with your collection. Thanks again for an excellent site! Phil P.
Thanks for the memories. You have a great website! Arhem
Great site! Randy P.
Very Nice, Dan C.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Sat and cried for all the lost things from my childhood. Grace K.
This is awesome - nice job! Robert R.
Great Website Craig, really makes me feel old. I'm going to pass the link on to my family. Chip W.
Cool, I remember a lot of those pictures. Nice website, Rick K.
Craig's Lost Chicago is very well put together. Haven't looked at it all yet, but I am impressed with what I've seen so far. Thank you, Chuck Z.
Great site -brought back many memories.... Ron S.
Thanks for the memories! Fantastic Collection, Kathy H.
I can't express enough how happy your website seems to make everyone. What a simple & wonderful trip down memory lane!!!!!!! George C.
Enjoyed the pics! Lou D.
Great job on the site, Brent O.
Just wanted to say that your website is great! It brought back a lot of fond memories for me too. Some of the places you listed I completely forgot about. My, how time flies. Thanks, Paul S.
Good memories. Chris K.
Great site, loved all the pictures brought back lots of memories. Andy
Someone sent me a link to your website where I viewed the photos under the "Lost Fun" section, they were nostalgic and I really enjoyed them. As I was viewing them I was hit by the inspiration that a soundtrack was needed, and the song "Old Days" by Chicago popped in my head. I enjoy creating slide shows (This is just a means of letting my creative juices flow), so I created one for the photos. Use it any way you would like, if you would like to post it on your site or if you would like me to remove the posting I will also do that if you desire. I hope you enjoy it...let me know what you think. Peter S. Here is the link http://youtu.be/cpOPhmqpQ2M
Hi... I so enjoyed looking at "Lost Chicago". It brought back a lot of memories. Suzanne A.
Your web page, with the stroll down memory lane in Chicago is great. Being 75 years young now I do recall many of your sites plus more. Bob B. (DeLand FL.) |
Someone just posted your link on Facebook, like the site, Bruce
I love your Lost Chicago website! Thank you sooo much for creating this site. So many of us love to look at these lost places. Debbie V.
Great site!!! Thanks, Kmmp
Enjoyed your site and the stroll down memory lane. Michael R.
Great stuff on your site there. Amazing how some of that stuff disappears so quietly not only from sight but also from mind. Thanks, Al E.
I really enjoyed looking at your site, Thanks for bringing so many memories back to us natives. Valerie E. ~ Lifelong Chicagoan
Loved your site. I am 62 and grew up in Chicago., but moved to southern Indiana 14 years ago. This brought back so many memories and makes me so homesick for Chicago. Thanks for a job well done, so grateful! Jackie C.
Love the site!!! Please keep this up.Thanks, Matt C.
I just viewed your site, it's great.Thanks, Pam M.
Love your site. At 67 I remember just about everything! Thanks for doing a really fun website, Lydia W.
Thank you so much for putting so much into this site. It was really wonderful to go thru all of them and remembering. So many flash backs…. Was lots of fun thank you, Betty R. (from the ‘Back of the Yards’ area)
Great memories..........thank you! Joan
It is truly a great web site. I have sent it to all my friends who are living in other parts of the states; they are loving it!! Mary S.
Just received a link to your website from a friend at work. What great memories it brought back. I have lived in the Chicagoland area all my life & I remember many of those restaurants, and fun places. Paula M.
I love your website! Many thanks for creating it. A high school friend sent me a link to it. Do I have you permission to add it as a link on our 50th Niles Township High School reunion website in our nostalgia section? Pat L. http://www.nilehi62.com
Hi, I just viewed your Lost Chicago website & it's great to remember them all! Thanks, Dick D
Really enjoyed your website, I've shared it with several people already! Thanks for the memories! Alison V.
Just found your site, it is perfect and brings back many memories. Thanks for the great website! keep up the good work, John R.
Love it ….Memories!!! Robert B.
A friend forwarded a link to your site earlier today and I really enjoyed looking through it, Doug C.
Fantastic list! Phillip P.
Just a note to congratulate you, nice job. Cousin Jim L.
Thanks for putting it all together, it definitely brought back memories. Good Job! Felicia C.
It is a wonderful page. I had fun reliving some of the places. I just love your site, Linda Z.

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